We brew science.
Today, in the 38th ScienceBeer, Mustafa was our Science Brewer. Mustafa is a Doctoral Candidate in TU Dresden and works on Electrical and Computer Engineering. Todaz Mustafa[...]
Science Brewer
Today, in the 33rd ScienceBeer, Mojtaba was our Science Brewer. Mojtaba is a PhD Candidate in Technical University of Dresden and works on Chair of Radio Frequency and Photonics Engineering. Nowadays the[...]
Science Brewer
Today, in the 28th ScienceBeer, Rana was our Science Brewer. Rana is a PostDoc in Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics and works on Cell Biology. Today we[...]
Science Brewer
Today, in the 27th ScienceBeer, Holger and Nina were our Science Brewers. Holger is a PhD Student in Technical University of Dresden and works on Holztechnik und Faserwerkstofftechnik. Nina is a Student in Technical University of Dresden and works on Holztechnik und Faserwerkstofftechnik. Today Holger[...]
Science Brewer
Today, in the 26th ScienceBeer, Sara was our Science Brewer. Sara is a Postdoc in Calegari (Proliferation and Differentiation of Neural Stem Cells) and works on Neural Stem Cells. - [...]
Science Brewer
Today, in the 25th ScienceBeer, Roman was our Science Brewer. Roman is a PhD student in Institute of Waste Management and Circular Economy and works on Waste Management. - [...]
Science Brewer
Today, in the 24th ScienceBeer, Tobias was our Science Brewer. Tobias is a Postdoc in Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics and works on Cell Biology. Have you[...]
Science Brewer
Today, in the 23rd ScienceBeer, Sehrish was our Science Brewer. Sehrish is a PhD in TU-Dresden and works on Institute of Media and Communication. Have you[...]
Science Brewer
Today, in the 21st ScienceBeer, Friederike was our Science Brewer. Friederike is a PhD in TU-Dresden and works on Psychology. Friederike made[...]
Science Brewer
Today, in the 16th ScienceBeer, Stefan was our Science Brewer. Stefan is a PhD student in TU-Dresden and works on SELF-ORGANIZATION OF BIOLOGICAL STRUCTURES. Stefan introduced[...]
Science Brewer
Today, in the 15th ScienceBeer, Artem was our Science Brewer. Artem is a Professor in TU-Dresden and works on Wirtschaftliche Aspekte der ökologischen Raumentwicklung. Artem first[...]
Science Brewer
Today, in the 6th ScienceBeer, Ana Maria and Olga were our Science Brewers. Ana Maria is a PhD student in TU-Dresden and works on power quality in the power grids. Olga is a PhD student in TU-Dresden and works on power quality in the power grids. They told[...]
Science Brewer
Today, in the 3rd ScienceBeer, Neelakshi was our Science Brewer. Neelakshi is a PhD student in Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung and works on Urban planing. Today she[...]
Science Brewer
"BeerHour" was the old form of "Science|Beer". Here you can find the list of organised BeerHours: 9th BeerHour: 8th September 2016 8th BeerHour: 11th August 2016 7th BeerHour: 17th July 2016 6th BeerHour: 9th June 2016 5th BeerHour: 12th May 2016 4th BeerHour: 14th April 2016 3th BeerHour: 14th January 2016 2th BeerHour: 4th December 2015 1th BeerHour: 6th November 2015